Red-tailed boa constrictors are from South and Central America, all the way from Brazil and Columbia to Mexico. These beautiful reptiles are non-venomous, and are very popular pets, but unless you are a professed herpaculturist, the Red Tail Boa is for professionals only. They can live for more than 30 years in captivity and reach lengths upwards of 10 feet! These amazing snakes require a long term commitment and a lot of professional care.

Red-tailed boa babies, when they are first born are only 15 to 20 inches long and weigh only about 2 ounces. But, within the first year, those babies can quickly grow up to 8 feet long. For the most part they are docile in nature, though wild-caught boas tend to be more aggressive than captive-bred ones. In the wild are very solitary and typically only spend time together during mating, which for a Red Tail Boa can be any time of the year. They love to hide in hollow logs and being partially arboreal snakes, also love hanging on low branches. They are not only great climbers but are excellent swimmers as well.

The jaws of a boa contain many sharp hooked teeth. Allowing them to grab prey and the hooked teeth hold tight while the reptile wraps its muscular body around its prey, constricting and eventually suffocating it. In the wild red tail boas can eat prey as large as a wild pig, which would seem impossible for the snake to swallow whole but they the ability to stretch their jaws open very wide, dislocating its jaw as it swallows the creature whole.

They have some of the most beautiful patterns and markings that help them blend in with their surroundings. Shapes that are found on boas include ovals, circles and diamonds on their reddish, tan/brown skin. These darker brown/black spots, shapes and colors let them remain hidden, camouflaged, while hunting and help them avoid being hunted!


Did you know that the longest recorded Boa Constrictor measured 18 ft long!


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